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Children & Families
We believe our kids can have a close and vibrant relationship with Jesus. We provide space for them during worship time for activities and lessons that help them learn the message of Jesus and plant it deep in their heart.
Youth Sunday School: Sundays at 10:45 AM
Family activities as announced.
Junior High and High Schoolers get together to build friendships and talk about integrating their faith into their lives. The games, talks, and activities all work together to help youth belong and grow so they can serve.
Youth Sunday School: Sundays at 10:45 AM
Youth Group: Wednesdays at 7 PM
Youth activities and outings as announced.
There are different ways our adults connect, both on Sunday mornings and through the week. Take advantage of these times or ask an elder if you might form a group that meets to learn and grow in the way of Jesus together.

Need Prayer?
We would be glad to pray for you! Please let us know if you have a prayer request that we can share with other people. You can use the form below to contact us with your prayer needs.
A prayer group meets every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. Feel free to join others in lifting praise to God and seeking him for the needs of our church, community, and world.